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Wednesday, May 25, 2011


Today I was joined in the shower by a nice big bright red spider, but now he's in the river since I flushed him haha! Also I walked to campus nice and early...I dont know why but I just cant sleep in past 7:30am here it seems. It was a nice long walk across the river and up the hill. But I haven't felt good all day, I think I got the stomach bug...karma for making fun of the vegetarians I guess! But it comes and goes and I've been so hungry all day it's horrible, whenever I get food in front of me I just can't eat. Finally I found some helado (ice cream), at this little pizza shop called Artesenale, and that seemed to go down pretty good and not cause my stomach to twist and knot itself up! Didn't get a whole lot done today except worked on my survey somemore so hopefully my meeting tomorrow goes well with the social sciences people. I've felt a little homesick today and just wanted some chicken noodle soup (without chicken feet or guinea pig in it) and someone to just rub my back til I fall asleep. or a nice soak in the hot tub back home. But I've only got about 8 weeks left so until then I'll deal with the spiders, snakes, bot flies, and whatever else Ecuador can throw at me; oh and maybe I'll build up some Karma haha


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